Give thanks. Give together.

Join with others to help those impacted by the devastating tornadoes. Together we can make a difference!Share and Inspire
Timothy Alsin
1 month ago

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

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Caring Community Foundation

Martha Oltjen
3 months ago

This donation comes from Upper Wolf Lutheran Church Disaster Fund, Robinson KS. Rural Communities all bond together in time of need.

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Caring Community Foundation

An Anonymous Donor
3 months ago

We know folks affected by this tragedy

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Caring Community Foundation

Barbara Vaughan
2 months ago

Our goal at CIA is to help those in need.

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Caring Community Foundation

An Anonymous Donor
3 months ago

So glad you are raising funds and awareness to help these families rebuild.

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Caring Community Foundation

John Rush
3 months ago

People helping others in need.

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Caring Community Foundation

Ronnie Edelman
3 months ago

I may be in the same situation someday. Helping each other is something each of us should want to do. Thank you for leading the charge!

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Caring Community Foundation

Robert Thurman
3 months ago

Helping fellow Kansans

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Caring Community Foundation

An Anonymous Donor
3 months ago

Happy to help neighbors in need. Thankful for Caring Community Foundation.

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Caring Community Foundation

An Anonymous Donor
3 months ago

Kansans helping Kansans.

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Caring Community Foundation

Clyde Mock
3 months ago

Small town local support is important!

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Caring Community Foundation

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